
Mazel Tov to:

Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Cherrick on the birth of a granddaughter

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Frank on the birth of a granddaughter

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Meystel on the engagement of their granddaughter, Shalva to Avromie Zelle

Rabbi Hillel & Devorah Brody on the engagement of their daughter, Malka to Uri Goldberg

Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Brafman on the engagement of their granddaughter, Malka to Uri Goldberg

Fred & Lynne Brody on the engagement of their granddaughter, Malka to Uri Goldberg

Ms. Trudy Farber on the engagement of her granddaughter, Chavi to Yaakov Davidowitz

Gavriel Hochster on his engagement to Racheli Begun

Dr. Boruch & Rebecca Hochster on the engagement of their son, Gavriel to Racheli Begun

Shmuli & Bassie Feiler on their wedding

Yacov & Ahuva Feiler on the wedding of their son, Shmuli to Bassie Feiler

Barry & Harriet Ray on the wedding of their grandson, Shmuli

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hirsch on the wedding of their daughter, Bassie

Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Fine on the wedding of their daughter, Penina to Eliyahu Karp

Shimon Porush on his marriage to Rachel Sigler

Condolences to:

Mrs. Bernice Novick on the passing of her husband, Dr. Oscar Novick, a"h

Mrs. Debra Wolfe on the passing of her father, Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, a"h

Rabbi Yaakov Goldstone and Mr. Yitzchok Goldstone on the passing of their father, Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Goldstone, a"h

Mrs. Tovie Wolfson on the passing of her huband, Rabbi Avrohom Wolfson, z"l

Mrs. Nechama Wolfson on the passing of her son, Rabbi Avrohom Wolfson, z"l

Mr. Aaron Wolfson and Mr. Moshe Wolfson on the passing of their brother, Rabbi Avrohom Wolfson, z"l

Dr. Lazer Shicker on the passing of his father, Shmuel Shicker, a"h

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